[Mtamazon] MTAmazon Tag Not Processed
2004-08-18 22:00:21 UTC
I've only just recently installed MTAmazon 2.2 and configured it to run using Amazon UK. My templates currently use the following code to display entries in the review section of my site:

<MTEntries lastn="3">
<MTAmazon method="Asin" search="[MTEntryMore]">
<a href="<MTAmazonLink>"><img src="<MTAmazonMediumImage>" border="0" class="floatleft" alt="<MTAmazonTitle>" /></a>

<h3><$MTEntryDate format="%x"$> ::<a name="<$MTEntryID pad="1"$>"></a> <strong><$MTEntryTitle$></strong></h3>

<p><MTAmazonTitle><br />
By <MTAmazonAuthor><br />
Released <MTAmazonReleaseDate format="%B %e, %Y"><br />

As you can see, I'm using the [MTEntryMore] tag to input the ASIN number specific to that review entry in the Extended Entry field when creating the review, which is meant to be replaced in the output to the page during building. The code works when the ASIN number is used directly, but not when using [MTEntryMore] in the search field. After reading up on multiple threads on the support forums and elsewhere on the web, I'm at a bit of a loss. I've seen Process Tags mentioned quite a few times, but after installing the plugin to try and process the Extended Entry tag, it still does nothing. Currently you can see the product of this coding @ http://reality-ends-here.net/reviews

Any help or advice on how to remedy this would be greatly appreciated

Many thanks,
Adam Kalsey
2004-08-18 22:07:56 UTC
<><MTAmazon method="Asin" search="[MTEntryMore]">
As you can see, I'm using the [MTEntryMore] tag to input the ASIN
number specific to that review entry in the Extended Entry field when
creating the review, which is meant to be replaced in the output to
the page during building. The code works when the ASIN number is used
directly, but not when using [MTEntryMore] in the search field. After
reading up on multiple threads on the support forums
Is your blog configured to automatically convert line breaks? If so,
[MTEntryMore] doesn't contain just your ASIN, but also some HTML
formatting. Change the code to use [MTEntryMore convert_breaks="0"].
Adam Kalsey 916.600.2497
Internet consultant ***@kalsey.com
Kalsey Consulting Group http://www.kalsey.com/
aim: KalseyGroup icq: 137208951

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