[Mtamazon] Mtamazon won't process tags within entries
Matthew Poe
2004-04-28 16:54:39 UTC
I've installed MtAmazon, the process tags plugin, and bookqueue through
the MT plugin manager. I installed in mainly so that I could display
information within entried, but no matter what I try, I cannot get this to
work. The tags remain unprocessed. I've added the process_tags="1" to
the <$MTEntryBody process_tags="1"$> tag in my main index template. This
is the only place I've used the process tags command.

Is there someplace else I need to put it? According to plugin manager,
all of the plugins I've installed are working properly and have found all
the cpan/perl modules they need to run - and bookqueue works perfectly.

You can see my site at http://www.punkrockboy.com/, with my most recent
failed test entry at the top. The code I'm using to generate that entry

<MTAmazon process_tags="1" method="Keyword" search="cyberlaw" line="books"
<p><a title="<MTAmazonTitle>" href="<MTAmazonLink>">
<img style="align:center;" src="<MTAmazonMediumImage>" border="0"><br
/><span style="text-align:left"><MTAmazonTitle>
</a><br />
<MTAmazonReleaseDate format="%B %e, %Y"><br />
Price: <MTAmazonSalePrice></p><br clear="all" />
Last updated: <MTAmazonCacheDateTime>

which I copied directly from a previous post on this mailing list, and
which alledgedly works for some people. I've entered that into the "Entry
Body" section of the "Edit entry" page. I've tried it with and without
the process_tags="1" in the MTAmazon tag - and, of course, it's also in
the template as described above.

What's going wrong here?

Adam Kalsey
2004-04-28 17:29:20 UTC
You have process_tags="1" on the MTAmazon tag. That's not needed. Your page
has all the MTAmazon code in the HTML source, so I suspect you might have
not put the process_tags attribute on your entry body tag.

Adam Kalsey 916.600.2497
Internet consultant ***@kalsey.com
Kalsey Consulting Group http://www.kalsey.com/
aim: KalseyGroup icq: 137208951

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Matthew Poe
2004-04-29 09:18:51 UTC
Thanks, Adam.

As I explained, I've added the process_tags="1" to
the <$MTEntryBody$> tag in my main index template. (So it now reads
<$MTEntryBody process_tags="1"$> instead). I'm not sure where else to put
it, but it sure isn't working where it is - as you note, the MTAmazon tags
remain unprocessed. Have I added it the wrong way, or in the wrong place?

Is there anything else that could be causing this problem?

Post by Adam Kalsey
You have process_tags="1" on the MTAmazon tag. That's not needed. Your page
has all the MTAmazon code in the HTML source, so I suspect you might have
not put the process_tags attribute on your entry body tag.
Adam Kalsey 916.600.2497
Kalsey Consulting Group http://www.kalsey.com/
aim: KalseyGroup icq: 137208951
I-Blog - Blogs in business http://marketingwonk.com/lists/iblog/1413/
BlogSnob - Promote your blog http://blogsnob.simpleads.net/
Zempt - Simple Movable Type publishing http://zempt.com/
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Ashley M. Kirchner
2004-04-29 15:16:22 UTC
Post by Matthew Poe
Thanks, Adam.
As I explained, I've added the process_tags="1" to
the <$MTEntryBody$> tag in my main index template. (So it now reads
<$MTEntryBody process_tags="1"$> instead). I'm not sure where else to put
it, but it sure isn't working where it is - as you note, the MTAmazon tags
remain unprocessed. Have I added it the wrong way, or in the wrong place?
Is there anything else that could be causing this problem?
This might seem stupid, but... Do you actually have the ProcessTags
plugin installed?
W | I haven't lost my mind; it's backed up on tape somewhere.
Ashley M. Kirchner <mailto:***@pcraft.com> . 303.442.6410 x130
IT Director / SysAdmin / WebSmith . 800.441.3873 x130
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