[Mtamazon] file not found - cache issue
Craig Pfeifer
2004-07-28 11:09:00 UTC
Howdy --

I successfully install MTAmazon and had it working for 2 days, but now
I get this error (previously mentioned in the list archives):

Build error in template 'Main Index': Error in <MTOtherBlog> tag:
Error in <MTEntries> tag: Error in <MTTagInvoke> tag: Error reading
XML content: File does not exist: at
/var/www/html/extlib/MTPlugins/MTAmazon.pm line 142 .

I believe it has something to do with the cache files. Is there any
way to remove support for caching entirely or perhaps remove the cache
eviction functionality?


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Adam Kalsey
2004-07-29 19:18:09 UTC
Is there any way to remove support for caching entirely or
perhaps remove the cache eviction functionality?
You can turn off caching through a configuration directive in the config
file, but that's not recommended. Your site will make a fresh request to
Amazon for every rebuild, including each time comments are posted.

Cache files are never deleted, the plugin simply ignores them it they are an
hour or more old. So you aren't running into a deletion problem.
Error in <MTEntries> tag: Error in <MTTagInvoke> tag: Error
reading XML content: File does not exist: at
/var/www/html/extlib/MTPlugins/MTAmazon.pm line 142 .
I can't think of why it would be saying that the file doesn't exist on that
line. Assuming you're using the latest version of MTAmazon, it doesn't look
for a file at all anywhere near that line. By the time you get to that point
in the code, the cache file has already been checked and loaded. That's the
point at which the code parses the XML content.

There was a similar problem reported a while back and the solution was that
XML::Parser and Expat were not installed on the server. Installing
XML::Parser (which in turn installs Expat) solved it. But the fact that
you've been running find for a few days puzzles me. Perhaps something has
gone wrong with the XML::Parser installation. Could you have your server
admiin re-install it and see if that fixes the problem?

Adam Kalsey 916.600.2497
Internet consultant ***@kalsey.com
Kalsey Consulting Group http://www.kalsey.com/
aim: KalseyGroup icq: 137208951

BlogSnob - Promote your blog http://blogsnob.simpleads.net/
Zempt - Simple Movable Type publishing http://zempt.com/
Craig Pfeifer
2004-07-30 13:48:27 UTC
Thanks for the response. I'll look into installing XML::Parser and let
you knjow what happens.
Post by Adam Kalsey
Is there any way to remove support for caching entirely or
perhaps remove the cache eviction functionality?
You can turn off caching through a configuration directive in the config
file, but that's not recommended. Your site will make a fresh request to
Amazon for every rebuild, including each time comments are posted.
Cache files are never deleted, the plugin simply ignores them it they are an
hour or more old. So you aren't running into a deletion problem.
Error in <MTEntries> tag: Error in <MTTagInvoke> tag: Error
reading XML content: File does not exist: at
/var/www/html/extlib/MTPlugins/MTAmazon.pm line 142 .
I can't think of why it would be saying that the file doesn't exist on that
line. Assuming you're using the latest version of MTAmazon, it doesn't look
for a file at all anywhere near that line. By the time you get to that point
in the code, the cache file has already been checked and loaded. That's the
point at which the code parses the XML content.
There was a similar problem reported a while back and the solution was that
XML::Parser and Expat were not installed on the server. Installing
XML::Parser (which in turn installs Expat) solved it. But the fact that
you've been running find for a few days puzzles me. Perhaps something has
gone wrong with the XML::Parser installation. Could you have your server
admiin re-install it and see if that fixes the problem?
Adam Kalsey 916.600.2497
Kalsey Consulting Group http://www.kalsey.com/
aim: KalseyGroup icq: 137208951
BlogSnob - Promote your blog http://blogsnob.simpleads.net/
Zempt - Simple Movable Type publishing http://zempt.com/
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Craig Pfeifer
2004-09-15 14:45:58 UTC
I found the cause of the problem. Something went wrong and the
permissions got reset on the files/directories of a few perl libraries
on my machine which threw things out of whack.



On Fri, 30 Jul 2004 09:48:27 -0400, Craig Pfeifer
Post by Craig Pfeifer
Thanks for the response. I'll look into installing XML::Parser and let
you knjow what happens.
Post by Adam Kalsey
Is there any way to remove support for caching entirely or
perhaps remove the cache eviction functionality?
You can turn off caching through a configuration directive in the config
file, but that's not recommended. Your site will make a fresh request to
Amazon for every rebuild, including each time comments are posted.
Cache files are never deleted, the plugin simply ignores them it they are an
hour or more old. So you aren't running into a deletion problem.
Error in <MTEntries> tag: Error in <MTTagInvoke> tag: Error
reading XML content: File does not exist: at
/var/www/html/extlib/MTPlugins/MTAmazon.pm line 142 .
I can't think of why it would be saying that the file doesn't exist on that
line. Assuming you're using the latest version of MTAmazon, it doesn't look
for a file at all anywhere near that line. By the time you get to that point
in the code, the cache file has already been checked and loaded. That's the
point at which the code parses the XML content.
There was a similar problem reported a while back and the solution was that
XML::Parser and Expat were not installed on the server. Installing
XML::Parser (which in turn installs Expat) solved it. But the fact that
you've been running find for a few days puzzles me. Perhaps something has
gone wrong with the XML::Parser installation. Could you have your server
admiin re-install it and see if that fixes the problem?
Adam Kalsey 916.600.2497
Kalsey Consulting Group http://www.kalsey.com/
aim: KalseyGroup icq: 137208951
BlogSnob - Promote your blog http://blogsnob.simpleads.net/
Zempt - Simple Movable Type publishing http://zempt.com/
This SF.Net email is sponsored by OSTG. Have you noticed the changes on
Linux.com, ITManagersJournal and NewsForge in the past few weeks? Now,
one more big change to announce. We are now OSTG- Open Source Technology
Group. Come see the changes on the new OSTG site. www.ostg.com
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