[Mtamazon] Problems with config file
Sarah Goshman
2005-02-28 18:25:44 UTC
I read some of the previous messages on this list, but nobody seems to be having quite the problem I'm having. When I upload the .mtamazon.config file, it doesn't show up, but since I'm on a UNIX server, I guess it's there. Anyway, I'm trying to use MTAmazon with BookQueueToo, and when I go to run the config on BookQueue, it gives me the following error:

"Unable to open .mtamazon.conf. Make sure it is writable by your web host. Error: Permission denied"

I do have it set to look for .mtamazon.config, I don't know why it's leaving off the last two letters of the filename in the error message, or if that's even relevant. I can't set permissions on a file I can't see, so that could be part of the problem, though the folder should be set properly. Should mtamazon show up as a plugin when I log into MT, like BookQueue is?

Any ideas on what I can try would be greatly appreciated.

Sarah Goshman
